Nurtured Heart Approach®
Certification Training Intensive (CTI)
Certification Training Intensive (CTI)
Both the Certified Trainer Track (first-time Attendees) and the Advanced Training Track (returning Attendees) are delivered concurrently at the NHA Certification Training Intensive. Certified Trainers and Advanced Trainers come together to learn, lead, and be mentored collectively. During all learning sessions, both Tracks will participate together, while there will be breakout sessions specifically to serve the needs of each training designation. This creates a community of learners, coaches and experts – an ideal environment for inspiration and collaboration.
Nurtured Heart Approach®
Certification Training Intensive
Certification Training Intensive
The Nurtured Heart Approach Certification Training Intensive (CTI) is a 5+ day, live, certification program facilitated by NHA creator, Howard Glasser, for parents and professionals. Learn, in-person, the entire ethos and methodology of NHA through interactive presentations and small group practice & mentoring.
The Nurtured Heart Institute has crafted a comprehensive curriculum to support you – professionals and lay persons, alike – to easily learn this transformational approach. CTI is the most “experiential” offering in NHA, guaranteed to shift your paradigm into mastery of building Inner Wealth® in all of your relationships.
Your journey to becoming a Nurtured Heart Approach Certified Trainer and, if you choose, progressing to Advanced Trainer at your second CTI, will inspire you to not only embody the Approach, but will also give you tools to effectively communicate, teach and coach NHA in your family, community, school, or organization.
The Training culminates in being awarded the designation NHA Certified Trainer or Advanced Trainer, and permits you access to the NHA Trainer Network, a robust library of curriculum and resources for those who wish to teach NHA publicly. Professionals may earn 32 CEs.

- Read the information about becoming a Certified Trainer.
- Choose which CTI you wish to attend. {Course dates are at the top of this page. Click on the large colored buttons for info.}
- Read the NHA Fidelity Agreement.
- Determine how you will meet the Prerequisites. {Info provided on the second tab in “The Details” section below.}
- Register for CTI. Click the link at the top of the page for the current CTI. Follow the link to the registration form.
Here’s What You Get at CTI
- Interactive daily General Sessions with Howard Glasser, creator of NHA. Learn the essential ethos and the step-by-step methodology of NHA.
- Experiential exercises to root yourself into the experience of NHA. Work with partners, small groups, and individual assignments, all designed to keep your brain and your heart engaged.
- Training Video of NHA in action followed by Q&A. These examples will show you how natural NHA is and how to use it in even the toughest moments.
- Attend special panel discussions related to one of three areas: 1. Parenting 2. Education 3. Treatment. Learn from the successes of other NHA Trainers and ask your questions to the experts.
- Expertly-guided activities devoted to creating your vision plan and action statements about how you will create success with NHA in your life.
- Clear guidance how to use the ample resource materials available to NHA Trainers. Return home with a whole new tool box!
- Time to network and create supportive alliances. Many purposeful projects and collaborations have been born at CTI.
- Most importantly, become the Nurtured Heart Approach ~ Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit!

NHA Trainer Network
CTI is based on Training Material that we call the
NHA Visual Training Modules (VTMs) – PowerPoint & Keynote Slide Shows. - During your own learning process, you will also be learning how to guide others in learning NHA through the VTMs.
- These VTMs are delivered through a comprehensive online platform – the NHA Trainer Network.
- After CTI you will be invited to join the NHA Trainer Network so that you can use the same VTMs (in an abbreviated form) to train others.
- This is available as an add-on cost ($199), however, if you plan to teach or train, you do need to purchase the subscription to the Trainer Network. This purchase is good for the term of your certification and remaining in “Good Standing.”
The Details
{Please read tabs below}
The NHA Certification Training Intensive (CTI) prepares you to share NHA publicly (if you choose) as a Certified Trainer or Advanced Trainer. Nurtured Heart Institute hopes that you will share your enthusiasm for the Nurtured Heart Approach with your community in big ways. In order to uphold the Approach and ensure that it is taught accurately in its entirety, only NHA Certified Trainers and Advanced Trainers are authorized to formally teach the Approach. While NHA Trainers are fully supported to teach the Approach, only CSF is eligible to offer any kind of certification in the Approach.
Every person who embarks on the process of NHA Certification Training Intensive is first required to sign the NHA Fidelity Agreement.
Fidelity is an overall reference to consistency among those teaching Nurtured Heart Approach, so as to be teaching and conveying the approach in a predictable, reliable and consistent way. It ensures that anyone learning NHA, anywhere in the world, is receiving virtually the same information. Of course, every NHA Trainer will be bringing their own voice, energy and experience to the endeavor of sharing this model and method. That is the beauty of the process.
Fidelity and consistency are critical to NHA research and gauging its effectiveness. For this reason, only Certified Trainers and Advanced Trainers are sanctioned by NHI, the guiding entity of NHA, to deliver formal training in the Approach. Once you have signed the NHA Fidelity Agreement, and been awarded the designation of NHA Certified Trainer via your full participation at CTI, NHI is honored to grant you access to the standard resources for highly effective teaching, which we call the Visual Training Modules (VTMs). The VTMs are available on the online NHA Trainer Network. All publicly offered training in NHA must follow the VTMs.
Please direct any questions regarding fidelity to:
The Nurtured Heart Institute (NHI) is the designated agent charged with upholding the integrity and teaching of the NHA in a consistent, fair and professional manner.
Certified Trainer:
Virtual training
General Tuition: $1999
Advanced Trainer:
Virtual Training
General Tuition: $999
Group Rate:
Discounted Group Rate is available for organizations that send 20 or more people and pay with a single check.
Please contact: for information and application.
If you cancel your participation within 7 days of the start of the CTI, tuition payment (minus a $250 administrative fee) can be applied to a CTI sponsored by NHI within 2 years of your original cancellation.
CTI is an intensive process. Together, we jump right in to high-level learning. While we do cover all the aspects of NHA, step-by-step, in a progressive fashion, it is important that you have working knowledge of NHA before coming to CTI.
There is a prerequisite requirement to attending CTI, that can be met in one of two ways (you only have to complete one of these options):
1. Complete the NHA online course: Exploring NHA Online Course , or,
2. Participate in six (6) hours (or more) of NHA training facilitated by an NHA Certified Trainer or Advanced Trainer.
Highly Recommended: Read one of the NHA books by Howard Glasser: Transforming the Intense Child Workbook or Notching Up the Nurtured Heart Approach.
As a professional, you can earn 32 Continuing Education (CE) Hours* for completing the 5+ day CTI.
View the CTI Objectives to satisfy the granting of CE
View CE accreditation
*It is strongly suggested that you consult with your local, state or national licensing agency for pre-approval prior to registration.
Registration Evening:
5:30 – 8:00 Registration, Hors d’oeuvre Reception and Orientation
Day 1:
7:30 – 8:45 ~ Advanced Trainer Leadership Circle (ATs only)
8:30 – 9:00 ~ Coffee & Networking Gathering
9:00 – 5:30 ~ Energy Informs Everything
Day 2:
7:30 – 8:45 ~ Advanced Trainer Leadership Circle (ATs only)
8:30 – 9:00 ~ Coffee & Networking Gathering
9:00 – 5:30 ~ NHA Stand 1 & Stand 2
Day 3:
7:30 – 8:45 ~ Advanced Trainer Leadership Circle (ATs only)
8:30 – 9:00 ~ Coffee & Networking Gathering
9:00 – 5:30 ~ NHA Stand 3 & NHA Coaching
Day 4:
7:30 – 8:45 ~ Advanced Trainer Leadership Circle (ATs only)
8:30 – 9:00 ~ Coffee & Networking Gathering
9:00 – 5:30 ~ Notching Up NHA
Day 5:
7:30 – 8:45 ~ Advanced Trainer Leadership Circle (ATs only)
8:30 – 9:00 ~ Coffee & Networking Gathering
9:00 – 1:30 ~ General Session / Graduation
During CTI we will discuss the Nurtured Heart Approach and how to implement it in various settings, situations and organizations. We will be asking you to participate in experiential exercises that may elicit emotional content. This program is in no way intended be a substitute for psychotherapy. It is expected that you remain mindful of your process and needs. Depending on the nature of your process, the facilitators and staff of the Training may not be available to guide you through personal terrain. We recommend that you seek professional help as necessary outside of the context of the Training to heal your deep feelings.
If at any time your style of conducting yourself interferes with the process of the facilitators or the group, you will be asked, in the spirit of the Nurtured Heart Approach, to “reset” yourself. If this becomes a process that is beyond the measure and constraints of the event and the needs of the other participants, you may be asked to participate in an “audit only” capacity, or you may even be asked to leave the event. If this is the case then there will be no refund given.
Thank you for you commitment to making CTI a safe and productive space for all participants.
The Nurtured Heart Approach naturally supports the Common Core Learning Initiative. Learn how NHA can support your school’s Common Core goals.
Download the PDF below:
NHI is proud to offer the very special opportunity to sponsor* a Certification Training Intensive (CTI) in your organization or community. This is the best way to launch a Nurtured Heart culture and create immediate impact. Sponsoring a CTI gives your organization opportunity to have all your members trained at once and have a customized training experience.
For information Please down load the US Sponsored CTI Fact Sheet below:
US Sponsored CTI Fact Sheet
Please direct inquiries to:
* Sponsoring a CTI is also one way of meeting the requirement to become an NHA Endorsed Organization.